Ribonucleic acid

ExpressArt LBR RNAready for Solid tissues & Bacteria


Hcv Quantitative Pcr Normal Range

Fluorescent quantitative PCR calibration dye

TRI-A41S1 96T
EUR 370.44

Hcv Pcr Laboratories manufactures the hcv quantitative pcr normal range reagents distributed by Genprice. The Hcv Quantitative Pcr Normal Range reagent is RUO (Research Use Only) to test human serum or cell culture lab samples. To purchase these products, for the MSDS, Data Sheet, protocol, storage conditions/temperature or for the concentration, please contact HCV PCR. Other Hcv products are available in stock. Specificity: Hcv Category: Quantitative Group: Pcr Normal

HIV RT-PCR Fluorescence Quantitative Detection Kit

EUR 1630.44

HIV RT-PCR Fluorescence Quantitative Detection Kit

EUR 1086.12

Staphylococcus aureus PCR Fluorescence Quantitative Detection kit

EUR 498.96

Staphylococcus aureus PCR Fluorescence Quantitative Detection kit

EUR 289.8

Pseudomonas aeruginosa PCR Fluorescence Quantitative Detection kit

EUR 498.96

Pseudomonas aeruginosa PCR Fluorescence Quantitative Detection kit

EUR 289.8

Listeria monocytogenes PCR Fluorescence Quantitative Detection kit

EUR 498.96

Pcr Normal information

Listeria monocytogenes PCR Fluorescence Quantitative Detection kit

TRI-B54M1 48T
EUR 498.96

Listeria monocytogenes PCR Fluorescence Quantitative Detection kit

TRI-B54S1 24T
EUR 289.8

Escherichia coli O157 PCR Fluorescence Quantitative Detection kit

TRI-B38M1 48T
EUR 498.96

Escherichia coli O157 PCR Fluorescence Quantitative Detection kit

TRI-B38S1 24T
EUR 289.8

Vibrio Parahemo/yticus PCR Fluorescence Quantitative Detection kit

TRI-B55M1 48T
EUR 498.96

Vibrio Parahemo/yticus PCR Fluorescence Quantitative Detection kit

TRI-B55S1 24T
EUR 289.8

RT-PCR quantitative Covid-19 assay CE-IVD

CLO-RT-25 48 reactions
EUR 2513
Description: RT-PCR quantitative Covid-19 assay CE-IVD

HIV RT-PCR Fluorescence Quantitative Detection Kit

TRI-B24M1C 48T
EUR 1630.44

HIV RT-PCR Fluorescence Quantitative Detection Kit

TRI-B24S1C 32T
EUR 1086.12

CMV Real-TM Quant Real Time PCR Test for quantitative detection of CMV

V7-100-2FRT 100
EUR 898.16

EBV Real-TM Quant Real Time PCR test for quantitative detection of EBV

V9-100FRT 100
EUR 876.36

EBV Real-TM Quant Real Time PCR test for quantitative detection of EBV

V9-50FRT 50
EUR 560.26

HDV Real-TM Quant Real Time PCR Test for quantitative detection of HDV

V3-100-2FRT 100
EUR 1358.14

Green Dye One Step qRT-PCR Master Mix For Quantitative Real Time PCR With ROX Dye

MB1004 100 reactions
EUR 239

Boster's Green Dye One Step qRT-PCR Master Mix contains all the reagents necessary for reverse transcription and PCR amplification to occur in a single PCR re-action tube, without the template. The Master Mix contains a qRT-PCR Enzyme Mix and a Green Dye qPCR MasterMix, including proprietary Reverse Transcriptase, Ribonuclease Inhibitor, dNTPs and a finely balanced ratio of Oligo (dT)s and Random Primers. The Master Mix also has the high specificity of hot start polymerase. This Master Mix offers the user an efficient and reliable alternative to conventional “two-step” qRT-PCR. Gene-specific primers must be used along with this kit.


More about our proprietary Reverse Transcriptase:


The native Reverse Transcriptase has RNase H capacity and degrades mRNA. Using a series of strategic targeted mutations, our scientists successfully nullified the RNase H activity of our RT enzyme, thus preventing RNA degradation during first-strand cDNA synthesis, resulting in higher yields and increase in the achievable length of synthesized cDNA. The engineered Reverse Transcriptase also contains a fidelity‐enhancing sub-unit which ensures superior accuracy in reverse transcription.


Green Dye One Step qRT-PCR Master Mix For Quantitative Real Time PCR With ROX Dye

MB1004-100Reactions 100 Reactions
EUR 392.4

HHV6 Real-TM Quant Real Time PCR test for quantitative detection of HHV6

V10-100FRT 100
EUR 651.82

HHV7 Real-TM Quant Real Time PCR test for quantitative detection of HHV7

V17-100FRT 100
EUR 1338.52

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